Katherine Smyth has over 15 years of clinical experience. Offering acupuncture, sports medicine and Microneedling for Castlegar, Trail, Nelson, Rossland and surrounding Kootenays regions. Specializes in Pain Management and Injury Treatment, Sports Enhancement, Prenatal and Postnatal Care, Women’s Health and Hormone Balancing, Concussion Syndrome, Skin and MicroNeedling. Kat provides her services from a serene and peaceful home clinic in Castlegar, BC. Book an appointment, visit www.katsmyth.com

Acupuncture for Pain Relief: Understanding the Science Behind the Needles

Acupuncture, once viewed solely through the lens of traditional Chinese medicine, is now gaining respect in the world of evidence-based healthcare. With a growing body of scientific research, acupuncture is increasingly recognized as an effective treatment for pain. But what exactly is happening on a physiological level when those tiny

Acupuncture for Menopause

A Natural Approach to Managing Symptoms Menopause is a natural stage in a woman’s life, marking the end of her reproductive years. This transition can bring about various symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and sleep disturbances. For many women, these symptoms can significantly impact their quality